Frequently Asked Questions

Q: So you are russian. Does this mean you support Putin and his actions?

A: No, I do not. While I personaly failed to take him down, I tried my best to counter his actions, by donating to charities and funds that help ukrainians. I will not talk about this beyond this point.

Q: Do you do comissions?

A: No, but, I'm able to! There are some complications since SWIFT was turned off in Russia, but there are ways to counter it. I have done 0 preparations to do comissions though, so, if you want one from me, ask me first on Tumblr.

Q: Do you use any other Social media aside from Tumblr?

A: I do! But, I'm not active on them, I only lurk.

Q: How's the life?

A: Livin'. Better than in 2022, but could be miles better.

Q: Can I ask you about *current thing*?

A: No.

Q: Are you talanted?

A: Not really, I've been drawing since late 2020 and I can do pretty good LEGO MOCs, but that about it really.

Q: How many languages do you know?

A: 2 to 3. I'm a native russian speaker, I know english on B2/C1 level, and since early 2023 I started learning spanish ( no puedo hablar bien todavía).

If you still have a question, you can ask it on Tumblr.

( Don't mind him)