Spaceships made out of LEGO

On this page you will see renders, photos and some lore of micro LEGO spaceships I've been making since 2021 or so.

Most of the ships are original designs of mine, but they follow the ship design philosophy of Star Wars. If you're not sure what that means, here's a great video by EC Henry about it.

Some ships are actual Star Wars designs, 6/8 of which were built by me, while the rest are builds of other MOC makers (they are credited where their ships are on the page).

Builds and renders are done with, a digital LEGO building app.

There are a few categories of spaceships I have. Those are:

  • Real ships: Ships that were built in real life, I have these on my shelves.
  • Formerly real ships: Ships that were built in real life at some point, but since have been disasembled for various reasons.
  • Digital ships: Ships that were only built in

All ships use single scale, where 1 LEGO stud accounts for 4.2 (4.16667) meters.

Click on this lil' fella → ◄◧◨► ← to unfold ships contents, including the picture.




/// Kor Vella ///

  • Class: Sphyrna-class Hammerhead corvette (modified)
  • Lenght: 116.7 meters
  • Complement: 4 heavy forward-mounted laser cannons, 1 dorsal turret-mounted twin light turbolaser battery, 2 module-mounted twin light turbolaser batteries, 4 sublight engines

Lore: One of Sphyrnas that were secretly donated to the Rebellion by house Organa. It was later modified for more combat capabilities.

Behind the scenes: Because Tyrena is on a different scale, I wanted to make a hammerhead corvette that is on my scale of choice. After measuring ships lenghts for this page, I noticed that Spark has nearly the same lenght as Sphyrna-class. So I decided to convert it into a hammerhead. Nearly nothing of Spark was left, but I succeded!

This wasn't my first attempt at a hammerhead corvette at this scale, but it is the first that actually gets all the parts right.

Post building note: Definately my most complex build yet. Most of it is fine, but the engine part was a nightmare to build. Despite that, it is more sturdy than I expected it to be. I also now favour it over Tyrena both in looks and build.

After building it, I went on to do some improvements. The top of the fourth engine used to be connected by a single stud, but to my surprise, I managed to fix that, and now that sub build is really well connected to rest of the build. I also wasn't fan of the hole in the middle of the hull, which I got fixed.


/// Halberd ///

  • Class: Raede-270 freighter (modified)
  • Lenght: 73.5 meters
  • Complement: 2 laser turrets, 2 heavy turbolaser cannons, 2 main sublight engines, 2 secondary engines

Lore: A smaller and more popular model of Raede freighters line. Halberd in particular was extensively modified to feature 2 turbolaser cannons in place of its former cargo bay entry, and also 2 engines, giving it great forward speed.

Behind the scenes: I wanted to make a smaller Raede ship for a bit, but only now I've gotten to completing one.

Post building note: I ended up using teal as a main secondary color instead of yellow for better looks. Also screw for lying to me about 3x3 dish being enough to held this ship.


/// GC2504 ///

  • Class: Imperial Gozanti-class cruiser
  • Lenght: 64 meters
  • Complement: Twin laser turret, heavy laser cannon, 2 main sublight engines, 1 secondary engine, 4 complimentary spacecraft (TIE Fighters)

Lore: Gozantis were Imperial work horses in the Outer rim, and this one is no exception. This ship is so unremarkable, that it didn't even had a proper name, beside it's designation.

Behind the scenes: My TIE design turned out to be in the same scale by coincedence. This is the fouth version of Gozanti I ever made, not counting the variants, gen 2 can be seen in comparison render, gen 3 was a sort of brief transition one between gen 2 and 4 and was never build IRL. Gen 1 was made a year before gen 2, then disasembled without any refernce remaining.


/// TIE Fighter ///

  • Class: TIE/ln space superiority starfighter
  • Lenght: 7.2 meters
  • Complement: 2 laser cannons, Twin ion engines, that's it lol

Lore: The standart TIE model, not much else to say here.

Behind the scenes: I have 4 of these attached to a Gozanti. The design is so simple that multiple people came up with it at different times, myself included.


/// Delta Spear ///

  • Class: MC23b corvette (modification of MC23)
  • Lenght: 128 meters
  • Complement: 4 heavy laser cannons, 2 laser turrets, 2 main sublight engines, 4 secondary engines

Lore: The MC23 was created for the Empire by Mon Calamari Shipyards as per Empires request for a ship with good shielding and armarment. Mon Calamari, who were planning to join the Rebellion, complied, though there was a catch. The design featured a very exposed bridge, so open in fact, that it was rather easy to destroy the bridge. Imperial delegates didn't notice the obvious flaw, assuming it was a feature to make its appearance more similiar to general imperial aesthetic, and accepted the first batch of MC23s. Not long afterwards, a good chunk of Mon Cala fleet escaped its homeworld and joined Rebellion. The fleet had a bunch of unfinished MC23s, which were modified into having a better bridge design, thus MC23b were born.

Delta Spear was originaly a nearly finished MC23 model, that fled Mon Cala along other ships. It was then modified into a MC23b variant and used as a battleship.

Behind the scenes: This is a fairly new design of mine, though it incorporates multiple old ideas I wanted to use. I wanted a teal ship for a while, and there's a good variety of pieces in teal, yet I struggled to make a ship I was happy with. A ship with engines on it's wings. I also wanted a design similiar to Hammerhead corvette, but with horizontal extensions rather than vertical. Finally, an imperial design reporpused by rebels.


/// TIE Bomber / TIE Boarding Craft ///

  • Class: TIE/sa bomber / TIE Boarding Craft
  • Lenght: 7.8 meters
  • Complement: 2 laser cannons, Twin ion engines, various munitions (bomber), 20 passangers (boarding craft)

Lore: Common TIE Bomber, or a less common TIE Boarding Craft.

Behind the scenes: Designed by VoidCommander. This MOC was chosen by me for the Intimidator, as it scaled nicely and is the best looking micro scale TIE Bomber I could find. Since the model is so simple, it can represent either ship.


/// Ghost ///

  • Class: VCX-100 light freighter (modified)
  • Lenght: 44 meters
  • Complement: 2 laser turrets, 2 proton torpedo launchers, 2 main sublight engines, 2 secondary engines, 1 complimentary spacecraft (Phantom-I/II; not present on the build)

Behind the scenes: This is not my MOC, it was made by cosimox. However, I did a few modifications, mostly aesthetical, but one mod is crucial, as it makes the build physicly possible.

Ghost is a ship that's prominent in Star Wars Rebels cartoon, but since then it also appeared in other media. The reason I have it is because I like the ship's design, simple as that. I tried making my own build, but failed, and then I found Cosimox's MOC, which not only it looks good, but it also fits into the general scale of my ships.


/// Kretoran ///

  • Class: Braha'tok-class gunship
  • Lenght: 90 meters
  • Complement: 8 twin turbolaser cannons, 8 missle launchers, 3 sublight engines, 2 starfighters

Lore: Kretoran was a rebel gunship. It was part of the same cell as the Vella.

Behind the scenes: Designed by Wiktor Radomski and modified by me. Mods are mostly aesthetical, but there are also structural changes as well. Wiktors designs are not quite in scale with mine (this model would scale up to be 95 meter rather than 90), but I don't think it's a big deal with smaller design like this one.

Braha'tok gunships are rather an interesting design. They were here since Episode VI, but were properly acknowledged only in 2000s. Though it was since featured in number of media, it's still kind of an obscure background design that nearly no one talks about. Same goes for its in-universe makers, Dorneans and their homeworld of Dornea just sort of exist and that it.


/// Fondor Haulcraft ///

  • Class: V-21.1 Chevlex haulcraft
  • Lenght: 25.8 meters
  • Complement: 2 forward laser cannons, hidden double laser cannon turret, hidden laser beams, hidden projectile launcher, 1 sublight engine, 2 secondary engines

Behind the scenes: Designed by jellco and slightly modified by me. It turned out to be in scale with my other ships. Fondor Haulcraft is from Star Wars: Andor.


/// Teal Three ///

  • Class: A/SF-01 B-wing starfighter
  • Lenght: 16.9 meters
  • Complement: 2 auto blasters, 3 ion cannons, 1 heavy laser cannon, 2 torpedo lanchers, 4 sublight engines

Lore: A standart B-wing. This one was a part of Teal squadron, that supported Delta Spear.

Behind the scenes: Designed by cosimox, modified by me. I wanted a more detailed fighter than a 3 piece A-wing (not present on the page), and this was the best option.


[¡THE FIRST ONE!] /// Tyrena /// [¡THE FIRST ONE!]

  • Class: Sphyrna-class Hammerhead corvette (modified)
  • Lenght: 116.7 meters
  • Complement: 4 heavy forward-mounted laser cannons, 1 dorsal turret-mounted twin light turbolaser battery, 2 module-mounted twin light turbolaser batteries, 4 sublight engines

Lore: A hammerhead corvette used by the Mining Guild during The Clone Wars. Around that time it was extensively modified to feature additional engine and more firepower. When the Empire was founded, the Guild sided with it, a desicion Tyrenas crew was not in agreement with. So, they seceded, and began to partake in anti-imperial activity, eventually joining the rebellion. Tyrena was also used as a template for the upgrade of other rebel Sphyrnas, though engineers of the Rebellion chose to make some differences due to available budget, availability of equipment, and extensions of Tyrenas modifications.

Behind the scenes: This one's a doozy. In 2021, 75315 Imperial Light Cruiser released to mixed opinions: It was inaccurate, had lackluster interior, and as always, overpriced. I bought it day 1 anyway. How couldn't I? Arquitens-class is one of my favorite sci-fi ship designs period! I then extensively modified it to my liking, and got a pretty good looking ship. But it was lonely. It came with 2 TIEs, but there were no other capital ships in sight. So I decided to make one.

Sphyrna-class is another one of my favorites, so the choice was obvious. That said, it wasn't my first attempt at a Hammerhead corvette. Previous ones were mostly failures, as I couldn't get them right. But after about 1.5 weeks of work, I got it! It didn't look like the ship you can see on the photos though. It looked like the ones from Rebels. I then procceded to modify my MOC: I added fourth engine, module turrets, elongated it, redid the bow, redid the module turrets, added external cargo, replaced some pieces with better ones, elongated it even more. By this point, Arquitens was long gone BTW. Other ships were build and disasembled.

After I build the Ghost I discovered an issue: Tyrena was too big. So I made a desition to use a new scale for my ships based on the Ghost. Other ships I had were fine, but Tyrena was on it's own now.

That said, I have no intentions to disasemble it. Despite being the first design in my current micro spaceships works, it still looks amazing. It also holds a special place in my heart.

I used to have a model based on this MOC, but it became outdated and I chose to delete it, rather than update it. This is why this section uses photos, rather than a render.




/// Trident ///

  • Class: Raede-500 heavy freighter (modified)
  • Lenght: 93 meters
  • Complement: 2 laser turrets, 2 mounted light laser cannons, 2 main sublight engines, 4 secondary engines, 1 small spacecraft or airspeeder

Lore: Raede series was a line of Kuat Drive Yard's freighters ment as a competitors to Corellian YT and VCX freighters. Raede-500 was the largest model on the market. Its notable feature was a large door at the bow, which, when opened, revealed a spacious cargo hold area.

Trident was owned and crewed by a family since not long before The Clone Wars. They performed deliveries for smaller buisnesses, and used that as an excuse to travel all over the Galaxy. During The Clone Wars, Trident was modified to feature 2 mounted cannons and additional sublight engines.

After the foundation of The Empire, the ship's crew would start to disfavour the policies brought by it, so they began to operate on more lawless territories. Eventually they began to aid anti-imperial groups, and would eventually join the Rebellion, performing logistics, and sometimes participating in the conflict.

Behind the scenes: This ship is the last major design I did in real life, rather than using

This model was resasembled into a better variant.


/// Intimidator ///

  • Class: Pursuer-class imperial corsair
  • Lenght: 122 meters
  • Complement: 2 front mounted heavy laser cannons, 2 laser turrets, 2 twin light turbolasers, 4 missle launchers, 1 main sublight engine, 2 secondary engines, up to 2 complimaentary craft

Lore: Pursuer-class was made to be used chase pirates and smugglers. Despite having great number of weaponry, as well as oversized and powerful engines, these ships had a number of flaws. Docking ports could accommodate 2 TIE Fighters, or 1 FIghter and 1 Bomber, or 1 Lambda shuttle. The shield could easily be deactivated by destroying external generators. Destroying solar panels could severely decrease Pursuers performance. Finally, the bridge was... quite exposed.

Behind the scenes: I had an idea of making an "Imperial Hammerhead" for a while, and after coming up with the solar battery structure for another ship, I decided to use it for what became the Intimidator.

It got disasembled because I didn't like the way it looked anymore, and I needed some of its pieces for revised Trident.


/// Rebel tanker ///

  • Class: Refueling vessel
  • Lenght: 67 meters
  • Complement: 1 laser turret, 2 fuel tanks, 1 main sublight engine, 4 secondary engines

Behind the scenes: Heavily inspired by EC Henrys take on a background unnamed ship from Episode V. Got disasembled because I needed some pieces and because it was too blocky for my liking.


/// Cargo transport ///

  • Class: Class 12 cargo transport
  • Lenght: 45 meters
  • Complement: Up to 31 containers, 2 sublight engines

Lore: A small interplanetary cargo transport. Could be attached to a bigger vessel.

Behind the scenes: Made as an addon for Trident, and was not intended to be built in real life. But it was built, however, because I needed to get enough pieces for a minimum purchase price. It was disasembled because I needed some pieces from the build.


/// Dac's Waves ///

  • Class: Gozanti-class cruiser
  • Lenght: 64 meters
  • Complement: twin laser turret, heavy laser cannon, 2 main sublight engines, 1 secondary engine

Lore: A common civilian Gozanti cruiser.

Behind the scenes: The first gen 2 Gozanti, based on my memory of gen 1 Gozanti, as I had no referance to it. Despite my crappy memory, I got pretty close in reverse engineering the old model into this one. It was later remade into Imperial Gozanti variant, which is why it is in this category.


/// Small Blockade Runner ///

  • Class: CR50 light corvette
  • Lenght: 88 meters
  • Complement: 2 mounted laser cannons, 4 laser turrets, 3 sublight engines

Lore: A smaller ship from the CR series.

Behind the scenes: This was the first digital model I purchased pieces to build IRL. It was also an earlier model in general, so it's a bit basic. It got disasembled because I wasn't that happy with it after a while, and because I needed some pieces.


/// Gray Eclipse ///

  • Class: MC23 corvette
  • Lenght: 108 meters
  • Complement: 4 heavy laser cannons, 2 laser turrets, 2 main sublight engines, 4 secondary engines

Lore: Original MC23 created for the Empire by Mon Calamari. Empire used these ships briefly, but due to association of the model with the Rebels, they "gifted" their remaining MC23s to Mining Guild on condition that they modify the ships for different purposes. In reality, Imperials didn't want to get these ships in undesireable hands, and decomission was deemed futile.

Behind the scenes: A recolor of original Delta Spear. Some time after I built it IRL I tinkered with the digital model, and accidentally made it better by adding a "beak". This upgrade also became part of the lore.


/// Coral Cruise ///

  • Class: MC14 cruiser
  • Lenght: 115 meters
  • Complement: 1 twin laser turret, 2 light laser cannons, 2 heavy laser cannons, 2 sublight engines

Lore: MC14s were comissioned by the Republic to be versatile vessel, long before The Clone Wars. Coral Cruise was used as a medical Ship, before being decomissioned, along other MC14s, and replaced by Pelta frigates. Coral' would ended up in Mon Calamari possession once more, and was eventually retrofited into a warship.

Behind the scenes: An older build that I did IRL. It went through a bunch of updates. I liked the build quite a lot, but decided to use some of its pieces for Delta Spear.


/// Whisper ///

  • Class: MC17 assault corvette
  • Lenght: 147 meters
  • Complement: 1 twin laser turret, 2 mounted heavy laser cannons, 2 light cannons, 4 missile launchers, 1 main sublight engine, 2 secondary engines, 4 tertiary engines

Lore: MC17s were made by Mon Calamari for their fleets. Like many of their ship designs, they were submersible, and could act as buildings.

Behind the scenes: A more recent take on Mon Cala corvette. It was decent, but later I began to favor Delta Spear. It got disasembled because I needed some of its structure for Intimidator.




/// Deep Space Mining Vessel C6 ///

  • Class: MC23 corvette (extensively modified)
  • Lenght: 127 meters
  • Complement: 2 laser turrets, 1 Tractor beam, 1 heavy laser cannon, 2 sublight engines, 2 docking ports

Lore: What became of MC23s given to the Mining Guild by the Empire. The wings were removed, which decreased mobility and defensive capabilities. Neither were issues, though, as the ship was to be used for deep space mining. Solar panels were added to power the vessel further. In front of the panels were a tractor beam, used for capturing asteroids, and a heavy laser cannon, used for breaking apart larger bodies. Two docking ports were added, mainly used for TIE/mg, just in case. Finally, there were two openings to open space, through which miners would exit and enter the ship in space while collecting resources.

Behind the scenes: A sort of creative excercise I did, where the goal was to modify a MC23 beyon recognition. I have no intention of building this IRL. Also, the solar panels went to be used for Intimidator.


/// Separatist Corvette ///

  • Class: Arrow-class corvette
  • Lenght: 118 meters
  • Complement: 2 mounted light laser cannons, 2 twin heavy laser cannons, 4 laser turrets, 1 main sublight engine, 4 secondary sublight engines, 2 docking ports

Lore: A corvette built for CIS use.

Behind the scenes: Designed this one on a whim. I considered buying pieces for it, but chose not to.


/// The Tri Wing ///

  • Class: MC20 corsair
  • Lenght: 114.5 meters
  • Complement: 2 mounted light laser cannons, 1 twin heavy laser cannons, 1 laser turret, 1 main sublight engine, 4 secondary engines, 1 docking port

Lore: A Mon Calamari made corsair. The Tri Wing was part of Rebellion.

Behind the scenes: Based on this fan design, mostly the three wings and Mon Cala / Quarren aesthetic. Separatist corvette was used as a base, and I am more happy with this one.


/// Tyrena (smol) ///

  • Class: Sphyrna-class Hammerhead corvette (modified)
  • Lenght: 116.7 meters
  • Complement: 4 heavy forward-mounted laser cannons, 1 dorsal turret-mounted twin light turbolaser battery, 2 module-mounted twin light turbolaser batteries, 4 sublight engines

Lore: A hammerhead corvette used by the Mining Guild during The Clone Wars. Around that time it was extensively modified to feature additional engine and more firepower. When the Empire was founded, the Guild sided with it, a desicion Tyrenas crew was not in agreement with. So, they seceded, and began to partake in anti-imperial activity, eventually joining the rebellion. Tyrena was also used as a template for the upgrade of other rebel Sphyrnas, though engineers of the Rebellion chose to make some differences due to available budget, availability of equipment, and extensions of Tyrenas modifications.

Behind the scenes: After making Vella, I decided to use it to make Tyrena in that scale. Turned out pretty good, but I won't be buying pieces for this.


/// Anaxes Revenge ///

  • Class: EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate
  • Lenght: 300 meters
  • Complement: 12 turbolaser cannons, 12 laser cannons, 2 tractor beams, 4 primary sublight engines, 2 secondary engines, 24 TIE fighters, several shuttles

Lore: Nebulon-Bs were designed for imperial use, however most of of them would not end up being used, dismantled and eventually stollen by growing Rebellion. Anaxes Revenge was one of the few that would be used by imperial navy.

Behind the scenes: My biggest ship to date. Based on EC Henry's design of what an imperial Nebulon-B could've look like. I could've sworn that Nebulons are about 500 meters, but nope, just 300. Which is why I decided to build this.

This is the first version of this that I finished just a bit ago. There will definately updates to improve the build. As for building this IRL, honestly I dunno about this one. It's a bit too tall for my shelves, and also a bit pricey.


/// Spark ///

  • Class: Hook-class corvette
  • Lenght: 114 meters
  • Complement: 4 mounted heavy laser cannons, 4 laser turrets, 1 twin light turbolaser, 2 sublight engines

Behind the scenes: A remaster of the Spark, one of my earlier digital designs. Since then, I've figured new techniques and new cool pieces were made.


/// Imperial Transport ///

  • Class: Onflow-class multipurpose transport
  • Lenght: 161 meters
  • Complement: 1 heavy twin turbolaser cannon, 1 heavy laser cannon, 1 ion cannon, 6 laser turrets, 2 sublight engines, 6 docking ports

Lore: A multipurpose transport used by the Empire. It was heavily armed for a transport, making it a rather capable ship on its own. Perseverance usually had 2 Zetas docked to it most of times.

Behind the scenes: Based on Science vessels from Bad Batch. Think of this as a cousin to that ship. Yes, it's basically a box with engines, but it is a good looking box with engines.


/// Perseverant Three ///

  • Class: Wan'gu project (Mortar corvette)
  • Lenght: 155 meters
  • Complement: 1 heavy composite beam turbolaser, 2 tractor beams, 2 heavy turbolaser cannons, 6 laser turrets, 2 docking ports, 1 main sublight engine, 2 secondary engines

Lore: Wan'gu project was an imperial prototype of a fast response ship capable of taking on much larger capital ships. It did so with its heavy composite beam turbolaser, capable of severly damaging destroyers with a single shot. The development was particularly slow, but had gone far enough to produce a few prototypes, but not beyond that, as the design was deemed too cost ineffective.

Perseverant Three was the last and most completed ship of its kind.

Behind the scenes: Based on zsoltoms MOC of a Cantwell-class cruiser. Cantwell-class is one of my favorites in terms of its appearance, but I cannot make one in my scale due to its size. So how about using a same shape, but smaller? I found zsoltoms MOC randomly, and decided to convert it into an original design of my own, and this is the result.

This is kind of an interpretation of Colin Cantwells early design of the Star Destroyer using zsoltoms amazing MOC.


[¡NEW!] /// Trident (2024 revision) /// [¡NEW!]

  • Class: Raede-500 heavy freighter (modified)
  • Lenght: 84 meters
  • Complement: 4 laser cannons, 4 missle launchers, 1 twin light laserturret, 2 main sublight engines, 6 secondary engines, 5 tertiary engines

Lore: Raede series was a line of Kuat Drive Yard's freighters ment as a competitors to CEC's YT and VCX freighters. Raede-500 was the largest model of said line. This series all have some form of an entry at the front of the hull, usually used for loading cargo. Raede line was praised for its modularity and moddificaton possibilities, not typically seen in KDY products.

Trident was owned and crewed by a family since not long before The Clone Wars. They performed deliveries for smaller buisnesses, and used that as an excuse to travel all over the Galaxy. During The Clone Wars, Trident was modified to feature 2 additional sublight engines, a common modification.

After the foundation of The Empire, the ship's crew would start to disfavour the policies brought by it, so they began to operate on more lawless territories. Around this time, Trident's left quarters module got damaged beyond repair. Besides a droid, the crew was not injured.

The crew's budget was tight, so they were able to afford repairs for the droid, and a skeleton of a wing module. While it was functual, had additional firepower and engines, it was frail, so reamins of the old module were used to reinforce it.

Eventually they began to aid anti-imperial groups, and would eventually join the Rebellion, where the ship was modified to be full on tug... and a warship. The front section of cargo hold area was made solid and sturdy, and the rest of The Trident was ludicrously reinforced for a certain purpose: ramming enemy ships as the main for of Tridents attack. 6 engines already could give it great acceleration, but 5 additional thrusters were added as a bonus in case additional acceleration was needed. Missle launchers were also added, but they usually duds to confuse enemies targeting systems and not shoot at a rapidly aproaching Wrath Made of Steel.

While it may appear that Trident was a very stong ship, it did have its weaknesses. Its shielding was emmited from an external generator, nearly all of the starboard was a blind spot, the aft was underprotected too. Ramming is also a difficult task to perform, and wasn't used sparringly.

Behind the scenes: After redesigning my Gozanti model, I wanted to to the same to The Trident. Older model was good, but too simple and smooth for my current standarts. This is especially obvious when it was put next to my newer models.

What I did to improve the older model includes: shortening the front part, slightly reworking the bridge module, making the ship asymmetrical by replacing left module with a wing, making central part of the hull less curvy and more rectangular, reworking inner skeleton, new secondary color of dark red and using a fuckton of ingot pieces because I love them.

The wing is based on bridge design oh Trident predecessor, in a sense that it is a module that extends from the hull, rather than goes along it.

I also have a different role for it now. Raede models are still freighters at their core, but Trident was modified in such a way that it becomes an equivalent of the Impact Hammer from ULTRAKILL or the Pile Bunker from Armored Core, as a manned vehicle.




(Hover your cursor on image for more info)

That's all folks!